

【之间】MEDI中国当代生活方式艺术季首展 ,上海 / 大椽设计

2024-10-06 1694

2024年1月15日-25日,【之间】MEDI中国当代生活方式艺术季首展及其系列活动,在上海市杨浦滨江 · 绿之丘 成功举办。【观念】【空间】【现场行为】【公共活动】【将来叙事】展览通过五个层级的堆叠叙事,将生活的艺术性、日常性、公共性、趣味性转变成某种基于吸引公众链接的内生力量。

▼视频,video ©上海大椽设计

From January 15 to 25, 2024, the inaugural exhibition of the MEDI China Contemporary Lifestyle Art Season and its series of events were successfully held at Green Hills on Yangpu Riverside, Shanghai. [Concept] [Space] [live behavior] [public activity] [Future narrative] The exhibition is narrated through the stacking of five levels, transforming the artistry, everyday nature, public character, and playfulness of life into a form of energy that attracts and connects the public.

▼场地鸟瞰,Bird view of the site ©建筑档案

▼论坛开幕,Forum opening ©建筑档案


01「观  念」绿之丘、稻草与卫浴
Concept—Green Hills, Straw, and Bathing Facilities


What kind of conflicts and collisions will be generated when private materials are placed in public space interface?

▼私密与公共,Private and public ©建筑档案


Green Hill, located in the heart of Yangpu River, is not only a gathering place for citizens’ life, but also a witness of the transformation of industrial heritage to modern life philosophy.Here, the carefully planned exhibition takes the toilet as a unique perspective, which triggers the audience to reflect on the subtle relationship between individuals and collectives.In this space, the original ecological straw with a natural flavor is juxtaposed with the toilet and bathtub of daily life, which produces a strong visual contrast and evokes people to re-examine the boundary between self and public.

▼内观我们,Insight ©上海大椽设计


The curatorial team also invites us to explore the connotation transformation of “production” and “life”.Straw, which symbolizes nature, simplicity and primitive elements, is cleverly transformed into a kind of spatial language. It not only reflects the transition from material needs to spiritual pursuit, but also guides us to constantly explore the harmonious coexistence between self and public in modern civilization.

▼聚合展示,Aggregate display ©Roca


02「空  间」情境建构的实体转化
Space—Entity transformation of situation construction



Practice inevitably requires materiality.

—Wanda J. Orlinkowski


▼展览空间结构,Exhibition Space Structure © 上海大椽设计

The period from the opening to the end of the exhibition is its most stable and objective period.As a unique art form, spatial installation carries rich possibilities for situational construction.288 straw bales, 5 different specifications, evolve the theme concept to varying degrees from the aspects of layout, structure and materials.

▼五幕解读,Five-act interpretation © 上海大椽设计


▼概念手绘,Conceptual Sketches© 上海大椽设计

The installation uses high-quality No. 10 channel steel to build a three-dimensional skeleton. The sagging steel plates are connected under the channel steel, which are connected by L60 angle steel as connectors and tightly fixed with bolts to ensure the integrity of the structure.These sagging steel plates have a special hole design reserved for the Φ6 through-length screw to secure the haystack.During the installation process, it must be executed in strict accordance with the established sequence.The mirror stainless steel with a width of 200mm embedded in the installation is fixed with the angle steel by bolts, and the entire installation is finally connected with the pre-existing hole on the site beam by screws.

▼外观效果展示,Appearance display © 上海大椽设计

▼策展期间 新稳定态:半边塔,New stable state during curatorial period: Half tower © 上海大椽设计

▼聚合装置空间构成 Aggregation | Installation Spatial Composition© 上海大椽设计

▼装置剖断面 Installation Spatial Composition © 上海大椽设计

▼装置构架,Installation frame © 上海大椽设计

▼群体镜面关系,Group Mirror Relationship© 上海大椽设计

▼聚合实景,Aggregated Installation Site View © 建筑档案

▼散落实景,Scattered Installation Site View © 建筑档案

▼内外实景,Interior and Exterior Installation Site View © 建筑档案

▼展览与顶层平台的联动,Linkage between the exhibition and the top platform©原图摄影师:陈


03「现场 行为」重回日常的艺术事件
on-site behaviorArtistic events returning to routine

Space practices based on collective and public participation


Curation is a practice that allows the creation of different interpretation contexts. In this open “field”, different discourses can be linked with each other.In the process of exhibition production, the temporary painting girls, artists, curators, architects and construction masters make art and daily life have a fierce collision, and the public become the subject of this creation.

▼倒影中的红色灯光,The red light reflected in the water ©上海大椽设计

▼设计师现场绑扎,Designer On-Site Tie-Dyeing ©建筑档案

▼艺术家Kilow涂鸦,Artist graffiti ©建筑档案

▼装置安装的师傅,The master of installation setup ©建筑档案

▼临时加入的艺术家,The temporarily joined female painter  ©建筑档案


2) 在地性:上海记忆的碎片重组
Locality: Reassembling the Fragments of Shanghai Memory


Invited to Shanghai, the collector artist Sun Ke shuttles through the secret corners of the city every day. In those unnoticed garbage stations, he carefully selects old things loaded with the daily memories of Shanghai citizens: old CDs in Shanghai, abandoned license plates, house numbers and concrete blocks that record the history of demolition, children’s toys, dramatic masks that reflect the customs of old Shanghai, and those slightly old but full of stories telephones. These items are endowed with new life under his hands.

▼生长出来的时光塔,Growing out of the time tower©建筑档案

▼等待电话的母亲,Mother waiting for phone call ©建筑档案


Because the induction faucet cannot meet the demand for rapid flushing, the artist decisively abandons the usual gypsum material and adopts foaming agent that is usually only seen in indoor decoration. From collecting and selecting old things to the process of abandoning and selecting materials, Sun Ke reassembles the memory fragments of Shanghai and constructs a time tower that grows on the ground. Every detail tells about the life of Shanghai citizens.

▼艺术家创作,Artist creation ©建筑档案

▼散落的红色果实,Scattered red fruits ©建筑档案

▼孩子与上海Disney金币,Children with Shanghai Disney gold coins ©建筑档案

▼海洋与草本植物为基底的“涂鸦墙”,Marine and herbaceous graffiti Wall ©建筑档案


This multi-dimensional city slice shows a time clue full of emotional memories for every citizen who participates in the exhibition. It guides them to find their unique connection with this city.

▼签名是自由的,Children’s signature ©上海大椽设计


Collaborative creation between users and administrators


Security: this is a problem of public events and public laws. How to ensure the smooth progress of public activities while avoiding excessive intervention. For the 24-hour open place, the 24-hour monitoring system, 4-7 people in the daytime and 3 people in the night shift, is another collective construction of the law after entering the public space.

▼展览期间 部分装置拆除现场,
During the exhibition, a scene of partially dismantled installations ©上海大椽设计


Fire: Although the unique field temperament of the haystack is in sharp contrast with the modern public buildings, fire approval is a big problem.In order to meet the specifications, we urgently purchased flame retardants, and cooperated with the public security department to conduct continuous ignition tests, record the process in detail, and carry out on-site operation training of seven groups of fire equipment.In this process, the multiple linkages between the ingenious balance, in the plural field inject vitality, while minimizing the potential safety risks.

The unpredictability of the venue during the approval phase and the exhibition setup period ©上海大椽设计


The first two scenes linked with the Riverside are the most serious areas of public law and impact, but it is the most real space correction.

▼内观实景,Vipassana reality©上海大椽设计

▼部分拆除的外观装置,Partially dismantled “appearance” installation©建筑档案


Women’s Federation: The 5F space where the exhibition is located is the Yangpu Riverside Women and Children’s Home established by the district government.Although the original audience of the exhibition is children, for safety reasons, the Women’s Federation finally took the measure of closing the museum.However, after our active communication, we finally achieved cooperation between the two sides in a specific period of time through activities such as children’s art workshops, and transformed the initial differences into a win-win situation.

▼活动如期开展,The activity will be carried out as scheduled ©建筑档案

▼协商保留的秋千装置,Negotiate the retention of the swing device©建筑档案


04「公共 活动」“我”的城市生活
Public activities My city life

开幕式及论坛、儿童艺术工作坊、直播看展、建卒考察……从公众活动如何为城市生活增添独特色彩的这个角度,MEDI 之间一系列内容的产生,不仅是对当下的庆祝,更是对未来的投资。

The opening ceremony and forum, children’s art workshops, live exhibition tours, architectural graduate surveys… The creation of a series of content between MEDI, from the perspective of how public events can add unique colors to urban life, is not only a celebration of the present but also an investment in the future.

▼活动海报,Event poster ©视觉设计:周梦辉 董智超

▼开幕论坛,Opening Forum ©Roca

▼策展人直播看展,Curator’s Live Exhibition Tour ©建筑档案

▼建卒考察,Architectural Graduate Survey ©建筑档案


On the afternoon of January 16, 2024, The workshop was divided into 12 family units, where children, through their own hands, created their own vast worlds in sculptures, plaster, and haystacks, sparking their imaginations between the natural world, urban traces, and everyday life.

▼艺术家策展讲解,Artist-Curated Exhibition Explanation ©建筑档案


I often imagine, with the advancement of technology, how future public events will evolve. The integration of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies may add a whole new dimension to events, offering participants unprecedented levels of interaction. However, no matter how much technology progresses, I believe that what truly touches the heart is still the genuine connection and resonance found within the events.

▼稻田中的孩童,Children in the Rice Field ©建筑档案


05「金山 后记」展览内容的将来叙事
Epilogue of Jinshan—Future Narratives of Exhibition Content


▼设计师创作手稿,Artist-Curated Exhibition Explanation ©上海大椽设计

After negotiating with the Jinshan Huafang DeMao Tang Boutique Hotel in Shanghai, all 288 ecological straw bales were transported to the site to be integrated with the hotel’s New Year operational activities for a secondary creation. At the hotel entrance’s exterior space, the designer adapted to the site environment by using pure geometry of lines and dots to create a layout that guides guests from the entrance to a check-in display wall, welcoming the Year of the Dragon with a unique design approach. Outside the hotel restaurant, 145 straw bales are arranged in a scattered, stripe-like field, where everything returns to its most primitive state…

▼装置实景,Children’s Art Workshop – Live Creation ©上海大椽设计

▼酒店餐厅外部装置,Exterior Installation of the Hotel Restaurant©上海大椽设计

▼酒店结合草垛的新年装置,Hotel’s New Year Installation with Straw Bales©上海大椽设计


The MEDI initiative was an immediate attempt that has continuously emerged in reports across over 140 mass media, design, lifestyle, and industry platforms, including web pages and public accounts… Looking towards the future, situational curation holds boundless possibilities. This form of curation, focusing on personalization, interactivity, and experiential elements, will serve as a bond linking various fields and eras. We all live in a world saturated with images, which is why we need situational content that strikes a chord in our hearts, providing us with more creative space and opportunities to contemplate the future and spark creativity!

▼稻田上的璀璨上海,The Brilliant Shanghai Above the Rice Fields ©上海大椽设计

▼聚合装置 各层平面结构图,Aggregation Device: Floor Plan Structure Diagram for Each Level ©上海大椽设计

▼装置节点构件及剖断面,Installation Node Components and Cross-Sectional View ©上海大椽设计

▼立体墙面装置图,Three-Dimensional Wall Installation Diagram ©上海大椽设计

▼外观装置图,Exterior Installation Diagram ©上海大椽设计

▼镜面不锈钢物料表,Mirror-Finish Stainless Steel Material List  ©上海大椽设计




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