


2024-08-09 1625



The European Commission and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, have revealed the seven finalists that will compete for the 2024 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Awards, 5 in the Architecture category and 2 in the Emerging category.

The jury considers that the 7 finalist works encourage and become references for local city policies which can become global European models, because they all create high-quality inclusive living environments. Most of them transform and improve the conditions of rather small communities in places that had gone through different processes of oblivion: former industrial areas and small rural villages. Those works in bigger cities are implemented in rather peripheric areas, building strong associations with the existing neighbourhoods. The seven works exceed the paradigm of sustainability and dignify everyday architecture, the places where we inhabit and learn, where we meet and discuss and enjoy ourselves.







The five Architecture finalists are:


Plato Contemporary Art Gallery

建筑师:KWK Promes,卡托维兹,波兰

PLATO, Městská Galerie Současného Umění
City: Ostrava, Czech Republic
Architects: KWK Promes, Katowice, Poland
Client: City of Ostrava
Program: Culture


“By saving a historic building and turning it into an art gallery, we have introduced a solution that makes art more democratic. By rotating the walls in an unusual way, it goes outside the building. We transformed the space around the gallery, which had previously been contaminated, into a biodiverse art park for the benefit of residents.”

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Juliusz Sokołowski

▼项目原状,original state of the project © Juliusz Sokołowski

▼项目照片,photo of the project © Juliusz Sokołowski

▼项目模型,model of the project © KWK Promes

▼项目图纸,drawings of the project © KWK Promes


Study Pavilion on the campus of the Technical University of Braunschweig

建筑师:Gustav dsing / 德国柏林;Max hake / 德国柏林
项目客户:Technische Universität布伦瑞克

Studierendenhaus TU Braunschweig
City: Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany
Architects: Gustav Düsing, Berlin, and Max Hacke, Berlin, Germany
Client: Technische Universität Braunschweig
Program: Education


The new build Study-Pavilion on the grounds of the Technical University Braunschweig is an open space concept designed to accommodate various student activities. The concept follows the principle of a super-structure which allows the user to change and re-configurate the layout of the building in order to meet the ever-changing requirements in a fast-developing campus context. Through high flexibility in layout, the Pavilion becomes ephemeral and thus responsive, ensuring a long-lasting relevance as a new type of campus building.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Iwan Baan

▼项目照片,photo of the project © Iwan Baan

▼项目模型,model of the project © Gustav dsing + Max hake

▼项目图纸,drawings of the project © Gustav dsing + Max hake


Reggio School

建筑师:ANDRES JAQUE / 政治创新办公室,马德里,西班牙

Colegio Reggio
City: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
Client: Reggio School
Program: Education

点击查看该事务所更多项目 Link to the page of the architect


The design, construction and use of the Reggio School is intended to exceed the paradigm of sustainability to engage with ecology as an approach where environmental impact, more-than- human alliances, material mobilization, collective governance and pedagogies intersect through architecture.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © José Hevia

▼项目照片,photo of the project © José Hevia

▼项目图纸,drawings of the project © ANDRES JAQUE


Rebirth of the Convent Saint-François

建筑师: Amelia Tavella Architectes / 艾克斯,普罗旺斯,法国
项目客户:Collectivité de Corse

Renaissance du Couvent Saint-François / Rinascimentu di u Cunventu Saint-François
City: Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano / Santa Lucia di Tallà, Corsica, France
Architects: Amelia Tavella Architectes, Aix en Provence, France
Client: Collectivité de Corse
Program: Culture

点击查看该事务所更多项目 Link to the page of the architect


This building, built in 1480, listed as a historical monument, partially in ruins, was dormant. The architect had to rebuild it without separating from the vestiges of the past. “I believe in higher and invisible forces. Housed in a height, on its promontory, it was a defensive castle before being a place of prayer, of retreat, chosen by monks aware of the absolute beauty of the site. Faith rallies to the sublime.”

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Thibaut Dini

▼项目照片,photo of the project © Thibaut Dini

▼项目图纸,drawings of the project © Amelia Tavella Architectes



建筑师:Brendeland & Kristoffersen architects,奥斯陆,挪威

City: Lund, Scania County, Sweeden
Architects: Brendeland & Kristoffersen architects, Oslo, Norway
Client: Lund Cathedral
Program: Landscape


“‘Hage’ is a high-quality public space that should both work as a short-term space for public discussion, events and workshops, while also, in a long-term perspective, offer a meditative, beautiful urban space and garden at the heart of a new neighbourhood. Open to everyone, it is a response to the question of how to build a new community: start with social space.”

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Thomas Skinnemoen

▼项目照片,photo of the project © Thomas Skinnemoen

▼项目图纸,drawings of the project © Brendeland & Kristoffersen architects




The two Emerging Architecture finalists are:


1.Gabriel García Márquez图书馆
Gabriel García Márquez Library

建筑师:SUMA arquitectura,马德里,西班牙

Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez
City: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Architects: SUMA arquitectura, Madrid, Spain
Client: BIMSA Barcelona Municipality
Program: Education

“García Márquez是一座开创性的地标性图书馆,也是巴塞罗那30年公共设施计划的高潮。图书馆的服务对象是工人阶级以及周边雄心勃勃的社区,由于当地多年来缺乏重大投资,Gabriel García Márquez图书馆也因此成为了‘人民的宫殿’。”

The García Márquez is a pioneering and landmark library that culminates a three-decade plan building these facilities in Barcelona. It serves a working class and vindictive neighbourhood, lacking significant investment for years, that demanded its “people’s palace” ever since.

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Jesús Granada

▼项目照片,photo of the project © Jesús Granada

▼项目图纸,drawings of the project © SUMA arquitectura


Square and Tourist Office

建筑师:Branco del Rio,科英布拉,葡萄牙

City: Piódão, Central Portugal, Portugal
Architects: Branco del Rio, Coimbra, Portugal
Client: Câmara Municipal Arganil
Program: Urban planning

点击查看该事务所更多项目 Link to the page of the architect


“The only flat and open area of the steeped village of Piódão is given back its dignity as welcoming lobby and gathering place. What was previously a parking lot has been redesigned, paved, and partially shaded using traditional materials and techniques. The space was given back to its people following their material and constructive culture.”

▼项目概览,overall of the project © Federico Martinho

▼项目照片,photo of the project © Federico Martinho

▼项目图纸,drawings of the project © Branco del Rio


The jury, chaired by Frédéric Druot, highlighted the following considerations that guided their decision on the finalists:


“Society is often underestimating what good and clever architecture can do, on so many levels. To promote how architecture worksis a very important part of architectural communication, to explain the many ways architecture can be, and how architectural thinking can be involved in solving many complex issues. That is what this selection shows.”

—— Martin Braathen,奥斯陆国家博物馆建筑师/高级策展人
Architect and Senior Curator of Architecture at the National Museum, Oslo


“Nowadays it is often difficult to achieve excellence in built architecture due to the many constraints to which it is subjected. Knowing how to keep the focus on quality and achieve it is a great challenge and an achievement that should be recognised.”

—— Sala Makumbundu,卢森堡Christian Bauer & associes Architectes (CBA)建筑师和合伙人
Architect and partner at Christian Bauer & Associés Architectes (CBA) in Luxembourg


“Architecture needs to have a narrative; it does not exist without it. A convincing narrative helps convince the public and become accepted by society. This is key and architects need to find out how to explain a story through the act of architecture. ”

——Adriana Krnáčová,咨询公司BSFY的首席执行官/犯罪小说作家
CEO of the consulting company BSFY and writer of crime novels


“Architecture always needs to learn a bit more: a bit more about discourse, about the context, about the contemporaneity of architecture as such. This helps us continuously discover issues that we can translate into a kind of architectural agenda and add an extra value: complementing the basics and reaching a more comprehensive and complex idea of architecture. ”

——Hrvoje Njiric,njiric+ arhitekti创始人
Founder of njiric+ arhitekti


建筑与新锐类别获奖作品将于2024年4月25日于布鲁塞尔城市/建筑/景观/城市规划信息/文献和展览中心(CIVA)举行的活动中宣布,届时欧盟委员会代表团、欧盟当代建筑奖国际评审团主席Frédéric Druot、密斯·凡·德·罗基金会公负责人Anna Ramos,CIVA负责人Nikolaus Hirsch均将出席。

包括颁奖典礼在内的EUmies Awards Day将于2024年5月14日在巴塞罗那以及 Palau de Victòria Eugènia的密斯·凡·德·罗馆中举行,为期一天的活动将包括获奖作品和入围作品建筑师讲座,建筑师/项目客户/政策制定者/评审团成员讨论会,参加2024年欧洲艺术奖角逐的362件作品展览,以及巴塞罗那建筑周的一系列活动。

The Architecture and Emerging Winners will be announced on 25 April 2024 during an event at CIVA (Centre for Information, Documentation and Exhibitions on the city, architecture, landscape and urban planning in Brussels), with a conversation including a representative of the European Commission, the president of the international jury of the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture, Frédéric Druot, the director of the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Anna Ramos, and the director of CIVA, Nikolaus Hirsch.

The EUmies Awards Day including the Awards Ceremony, will take place on 14 May 2024, at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona and Palau Victòria Eugènia, in a day-long- event that will include lectures by the authors of the winning and finalist works, discussions with the architects, clients, policymakers and jury members; the exhibition with the 362 works participating in the EUmies Awards 2024; and the events of the Barcelona Architecture Weeks.




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