


作者:里与外设计 2023-02-19 6382


Munwood Resort is located in Yufeng Mountain Forest Park, Yubei District of Chongqing City, which is a place with rich natural resources, simple folk customs and also known as a natural oxygen bar. Moreover, the park is a health and holiday resort with most resources and potential in suburb of Chongqing.


With its wavy building facade, Munwood Resort looks as if it is an organic extension of the natural landscape, echoing the undulating mountains all around. Therefore, how to keep the natural state of the building and create a spiritual space compatible with the surroundings become the key point of our design.


In view of the natural environment of the site, the interior design shows up a kind of reservedness which seems to be obtained through years of weathering, presenting a tranquility and comfort of mountains and forests. So that the interior and exterior environment combined with each other to be in harmony with the original pulse and rhythm of local life.


Stepping into the public area, your vision becomes wider as you move. Here people can fully enjoy the scenery of mountains through the full-height glass facades. The interior, architecture and the surrounding landscape permeated into each other to form an organic whole.


The guest rooms designed with open layout, with steps and stairs adding layers for the interior and responding to the undulating mountains outside. The local greenery inside casts beautiful silhouettes under the lights, which makes interior alive between the virtual and the real.


The rough-textured walls, wood and plants used in this project have well blended in with the raw and unpolished natural environments and the architectural characteristics of local buildings; while modern elements, as a low-profile member, have also participated in this project. Thus a dialogue between inside and outside has been created through review of surrounding environments, which also makes the urban and rural life combined together.


LEW & ASSOCIATES has always adhered to the philosophy of symbiosis and emphasized on reconciliation between historical context and contemporary spirit. In the vast and wild mountains and forests, the pressure of life could be released through pure space design. Let’s slow down and live a simple life here; let’s return to the most natural and comfortable state between man and nature, men and themselves.


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