


2022-10-12 4183

三亚宿寐天涯海岸精品酒店,坐落于海南三亚热门景点天涯海角附近,拥揽无边无际的观海视野,海浪涌动的声响几近清晰可闻,让浓郁沁人的蓝,漫入旅人的梦乡。伫立海边的这栋民宿,设计师赋予外立面形制以两种视角的解读 —— 从外视角来看,建筑外观呈海浪般的高低起伏状;从内视角来看,每一道海浪的浪峰均围合出一个独立的景框,予人不受干扰的定格画面。

Sanya Sumei Tianya Coast Boutique Hotel, located near tianya Haijiao, a popular scenic spot in Sanya, Hainan, embraces the endless view of the sea, the sound of the surging waves can be heard almost clearly, so that the rich blue, overflowing into the dream of travelers. Standing on the seashore, the designer gives the facade of this b&B from two perspectives: from the perspective of the outside, the appearance of the building is wave-like; From an internal perspective, the crest of each wave forms an independent frame, providing an undisturbed freeze-frame.


The designer is good at rendering the spatial mood with pure white color. In his opinion, pure white is a strong and sharp contrast with the sky, seascape and sunset. When the scenery is met, it becomes a painting, which is a versatile background color of the film. Pure white is also the enduring classic color, "we hope to create a space, not a temporary popularity, but a long life and life cycle of the classic."


In strict aesthetic proportion, the blue sky, blue sea, beach and palm are properly collected in the round arch frame. People's eyes shuttle freely in the continuous round arch. Everywhere they look, they are pure white, and any corner is fixed, all are vivid view-finders.


Art comes from life and is higher than life. Ridge design has always been good at delineating the abundance of minimalist art, an arc is a landscape window. Furniture and bed products in the space are all pure white, making the texture of materials have a dialogue between fine and coarse. When light and shadow pass through the doorway, the structural relationship of point, line and surface is more interesting.


As the day grew dark and the sun inched into the sea, the scattered fishing boats in the distance began to return. The sparse street lamps along the coast are lit up one by one, creating a soft and warm tone with the afterglow of sunset, and a quiet atmosphere permeates every part of the rooftop. Such a natural environment without the noise and noise, such a long aftertaste of the artistic life, between the four changes, awaken people to the enjoyment of sojourn life.


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