

Axel Vervoordt
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2023-02-10 2617

为世界上最重要的时尚引领者之一,Axel Vervoordt活跃于艺术、画廊、室内设计等领域。他是著名的收藏家、古董商、室内设计师、策展人。在设计界内,他或许是整个西方最懂侘寂(wabi-sabi)的人,一切的残、旧、破,对他来说是另一种境界的美,在他眼中的高级美学,那一定是“纯粹”和“简单”。

As one of the most important fashion trendsetters in the world, Axel Vervoordt is active in art, galleries, interior design and more. He is a well-known collector, antique dealer, interior designer and curator. In the field of design, he was perhaps the most knowledgeable of wabi-sabi in the whole West. All that was broken, old and broken was another realm of beauty for him. In his eyes, the high aesthetics must be "pure" and "simple".

现年74岁的Axel Vervoordt身材健硕,举止优雅。在他的脸上总是能看到他安详的笑容。1947年,Axel Vervoordt出生于比利时首都安特卫普,在艺术世家氛围的环境下,造就了他一生对艺术锲而不舍的追求。在艺术和设计的领域中不断探索,同时他也给当代设计带来一定的哲学影响。

Axel Vervoordt, 74, is a portly man with an elegant manner. You can always see his serene smile on his face. In 1947, Axel Vervoordt was born in Antwerp, Belgium. In the atmosphere of an art family, he created a lifelong pursuit of art. He continues to explore the field of art and design, and has a philosophical influence on contemporary design.

早在20世纪70年代,Axel Vervoordt在个人的建筑修行之旅中,造就了自己的世界观。他与佛教艺术的建筑产生深刻的共鸣,同时禅宗的理念给他的设计带来深刻的影响。他认为真正的美是不完美的、不完整的和无常的——换句话说,美就像生命一样易逝。这也是他对侘寂真正的认知。

Back in the 1970s, Axel Vervoordt shaped his worldview on a personal journey of architectural practice. He has a deep resonance with the architecture of Buddhist art, while zen philosophy has a profound influence on his design. True beauty, he thought, was imperfect, incomplete and impermanent -- in other words, as fleeting as life. This is what he really knew about wabi-sabi.


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