


作者:NORM ARCHITECTS 2022-02-17 3852 不再拿铁


图书公司新杂志的多面旗舰店,位于哥本哈根市中心,Norm Architects将带领阅读者们进入到一个独特且被精心策划的生活方式的世界,是一个有着书籍、杂志和收藏品的世界。建筑师创造几个的空间,处于平静安宁的环境中,其完整的功能使产品在其中脱颖而出并发出了探索的邀请。

The multi-faceted flagship store for the book company's new magazine, located in the heart of Copenhagen, Norm Architects will lead readers into a world of unique and curated lifestyles, a world of books, magazines and collectibles. The architects created several spaces, in a calm and peaceful environment, where the complete functionality makes the product stand out and invites exploration.

进入New Mags新旗舰店的设计是从传统图书馆中汲取灵感,精心策划的咖啡桌书籍,让它们成为艺术品,并与选定的雕塑和物品平等。当您沉浸其中时,木材和金色砂岩充当宁静的框架,令人在有意义的、美丽的、大的、小的、怪异的和必备书籍中,想起自己的所爱和重要的书籍,反思我们曾经是什么,我们是什么,我们可以成为什么。物质性、形式和功能的刺激冲突创造了这种动态。空间的主角是精心挑选的咖啡桌和书籍,在温暖的环境中展现独特的艺术品,营造出令人沉思的氛围。

Entering New Mags' new flagship store is designed to take inspiration from traditional libraries, curated coffee table books, allowing them to become works of art and equal to selected sculptures and objects. The wood and golden sandstone act as a tranquil framework as you immerse yourself in the meaningful, beautiful, big, small, weird and must-have books to think about your loved and important books, reflect on What we were, what we are, what we can become. The stimulating conflict of materiality, form and function creates this dynamic. The protagonists of the space are carefully selected coffee tables and books, presenting unique artworks in a warm setting, creating a contemplative atmosphere.

Norm Architects着眼于书迷的天堂,图书馆带有标志性元素,如长的学习桌,摆满了漂亮而大容量的木制书架。旁边考虑到突出的雕塑和装饰线条,Norm Architects开始设计一个现代的、更简约的版本,令所有的书都能在这种温暖、舒适的氛围中展示。

Norm Architects set their sights on a book lover's paradise, with the library featuring iconic elements such as long study desks filled with beautiful and large-capacity wooden bookshelves. Next to the prominent sculptures and moldings, Norm Architects set out to design a modern, more minimalist version that would allow all the books to be displayed in this warm, cozy atmosphere.


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